Austen's Travel Blog

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3 Peaks - Day 11 - Return the motor home

August 21, 2023

The motor home remained safe overnight, and I get going early in order to return it at the 8am opening time.

Driving across London isn’t that fun in a large vehicle, but I make it to the rental shop without issue.

I’d emailed ahead, so the rental company is expecting the damaged motor home. They seem relaxed about it, so it’s probably a common occurrence!

After the inspection and some research I leave £762 lighter and thankful I bought the extra insurance!

We drove 1330 miles, climbed 2 of the highest 3 peaks in the UK and really had an amazing holiday.

We’re also looking forward to completing some unfinished business in Wales!

Agile and DevOps enthusiast and enduro fan with an interest in home automation, cool tech and endurance running.