So the plan.

A month in Australia on a motorbike.

The dates were originally based around a wedding…which got cancelled and the participants left the country. How rude.

Craig, the second rider in the trip, unfortunately didn’t get around to taking his motorbike license. Even though we’ve been talking about it for around 18 MONTHS. So lone rider it is. Unless of course he miraculously passes a test in the next week. Odds not in his favour.


  1. Fly to Singapore for a few days drinking and sight seeing with Hayesy.
  2. Arrive in Sydney. Meet up with a few friends, since it seems the place to be this year.
  3. Take the first flight to Melbourne and hire a bike. Ride the coast road!
  4. Get back to Sydney and pick up the big bike. Head up the east coast and see how far I get. Ideally Fraser island…but that’s quite a way there and back in a week. We’ll see.
  5. Once back in Sydney fly up to Cairns. See the rainforest’s and great barrier reef.
  6. Back in Sydney for Xmas/NY.
  7. Home to the grey sky of London…maybe.

I’ll keep you all posted with the progress and hopefully piccies. Now I really must pack…