We wake at the usual time, breakfast and pack up. While we wait for the rubbish lorry to empty the 20 or so wheelie bins the kids nip off to reception to buy patches for their Backpacks. Setting off following the satnav takes us over a pass past Hesk Fell. It was hairy driving with one set of really tight switchbacks at the end which was crazy in a motor home. We finally get back to a main road after about an hour, and I resolve to do a better job of checking the route before setting off!

After making some headway we stop for lunch at Crooklands - Trout and tarragon sauce, very nice. Onward, we keep driving and stop for tea. After another stop to get bread for the fondue we make it to the campsite via A-roads mostly. We pass the camp site, heading towards Snowdon to check out parking and the post-walk pub. It’s only a 10 minute drive, but the rain starts to comes down, and the wind picks up.

After checking in we buy chips from the on site food truck and settle down to a Fondue dinner.

The wind has been building, and we bring in the awning and batten down the hatches. To let some air into the motor home we leave the Skylight open a crack which a huge gust of wind forces open and smashes the fitting. It’s turning into quite an expensive holiday! Again I’m glad I bought the extra insurance.

It is very hot in the camper, but we dare not open windows in case they blow off! Fingers crossed for better weather tomorrow!

Distance Driven: 200 miles