It’s been a few weeks since our 3 peaks holiday, and it’s time to complete Snowdon, the unfinished business.

We’d been monitoring the weather and this weekend looked perfect. So we’d found a hotel at the last minute and drove to Wales on Friday night, arriving pretty late. The hotel room has 5 bunk beds which is fun and dog friendly so that Einy can stay with us too. After a hearty full Welsh breakfast we take the Sherpa bus to Lanberis Pass and start walking.


It’s a beautiful sunny day, such a contrast to our last attempt.

We opt for the miners track since it takes in the lakes and will take the same route down. It’s quite busy at the bottom due to the nice weather and several events have been rearranged to today due to previous bad weather.

Behind you

The lakes are very clear and reminiscent of Switzerland and we ear mark one for swim on the way back down.


As we climb, so does everyone else, and with two ultra races all using the same paths, there are queues at times! We decide to break for lunch before we summit and picking a nice spot we break out the sandwiches.

The Line

We make it to the top in good time, and have to queue for a few minutes to reach the summit. There are several races all converging at the summit, plus the extra people due to the good weather, so it’s rather busy!

View from the summit

Going down is easier but still some pinch points in the narrow sections where people are trying to go up and down at the same time.

We pause at Llyn Teyrn lake for a quick swim, it’s really very refreshing!, before continuing on to the bottom.

We made it!

We run the last kilometer in order to catch the next Sherpa bus. Arriving back at the hotel we enjoy cold drinks in the beer garden and revel in finally completing the 3 peaks!

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Ben Nevis: ✅ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Scafell Pike: ✅ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Snowdon: ✅

Overall it took us 436 hours to complete the challenge, and I’m really pleased to have finally done it!

Distance Hiked: 14.2 km Elevation gain: 1438 m