Last night we arrived into Brisbane after switching planes in Singapore and then went to the hotel and to bed.

Today we explore Brisbane! Alex and I take a walk and find coffee and bagels which we take back to the hotel and then eat with the girls.

Afterwards we hunt down a Target, which Bella wants to experience and buy water bottles and umbrellas. Target doesn’t quite live up to expectations, but it has what we need!

Next we take a walk along the river stopping for more coffee and take a ride on the Brisbane Ferris Wheel, it has a nice view of the city, and we spot a couple of potential places for dinner along the way.

Brisbane Ferris Wheel

As we’re walking along we pass the Cultural Centre which has a Lego Jurassic Park exhibition on. It looks pretty fun, so we spend an hour visiting and making various things out of Lego.

We take a seafood lunch on the South Bank followed by a slow walk back to the hotel to get ready for dinner.

Sea Food

We’re all flagging, so we walk down to the river front again for an early dinner at a fancy Asian restaurant before an early night.

Tomorrow is Koala day!