Koala day today. After breakfast, we head to the river and board the cruise boat which will take us to the Koala sanctuary. We get some good seats on the top deck and cruise down river listening to the commentary. It takes about 1.5 hrs to get to Koala sanctuary, and we’ve heard about some interesting history of Brisbane and seen some amazing waterfront properties.

We hadn’t pre-booked holding a Koala since we didn’t realise that was an option. We’re all a little disappointed when we board and find out there is no longer any availability.

We alight at the Koala sanctuary and head straight to the experience booking place on the off chance we can get a place holding the Koalas but unfortunately there is nothing until after the boat leaves for the day.

There’s still loads of Koalas about, and we can get really close to them, which is great.


Next we head to the Raptor bird show which is fun before exploring the other animals. Crocodiles, Cassowary, Kangaroo, Platypus and of course Koalas. We take lots of photos and enjoy watching the Koalas cuddle and occasionally move about.


We buy sandwiches at the cafe and listen to the talk on Koalas before looking at a few more animals and then go to the cafe for a cool drink before we get the boat back to town.

Petting a Kangaroo

Back to the hotel for showers and to get ready for dinner, we head to Otto on the waterfront which we’d seen the other day. Bella and I try some delicious Barramundi, Alex has steak.

After dinner, it’s back to the hotel for bed.