5:30am wake up alarm to go join the tour. The Boshier’s had ordered taxis the night before. We said hi for the first time before getting the taxis to the local bus station. A few minutes later we’re met by the tour bus towing a trailer, and we throw our luggage into the back and find a seat. There are 7 others, some locals, some travellers.

We head out of town to pick up one more passenger before driving for 1 hour for some coffee. There are loads of caravan and camping stores around here, and we see quite a few 4x4’s with camping trailers going past.

We stop for lunch in Quorn by the start of a historic rail track, and head into the supermarket to buy some snacks. Afterwards we set up in a park area, and we all helped to prepare salad for wraps. After lunch, we visit the local pub to buy some takeaway beer. We opt for a slab of Hahn Super Dry and stock the cooler in the back of the bus.

Bella with Wallabies

The weather’s overcast, misty and not too hot which is pleasant, but we can’t see the ocean when we stop at Hancock’s Lookout.

We’re seeing lots of kangaroos, wallabies and emus everywhere. Dan slows down regularly, so we can take a look and take photos.

On the trip with us we have 4 swedes, a lady from WA, a lady from Sydney, a lady from Adelaide, a girl from China and then our party. Everyone seems to get on well, which is a good start.

Alex, William and Xander

Before we head to the campsite we stop for a hike around Arkaroo Rock to see the Aboriginal rock wall paintings which are around 5000 years old. It’s pretty warm in the afternoon sun, but it’s worth it for the stunning scenery.

Rock wall paintings

View of Wilpena Pound

Me and Di

We arrive at the camp site around 5pm, Dan nips to the site shop and buys some ice for the water and beer cooler’s, and we get setup. We have a little free time, and we catch up with the Boshier’s over a few beers before we start to prepare dinner. It’s steak and potatoes which the whole group prepares and cooks.

Swag’s set up for the night

After cleaning up dinner we set up our swags, shower and then get to bed. We fall asleep looking at the stars, and the insanely bright moon!