3 Peaks - Day 7 - Scafell Pike

The usual 8am start with Baconators for breakfast. The weather’s looking great, so it’s promising to be a good day. We have a long way to go today and get moving by 9:30. 5 minutes along the road from the camp site we realise we’d forgotten Einy’s harness, which would make the climb down a nightmare, so I ran back to get it. We pass the park and ride for the shuttle to Wastdale Head, hoping there might be some activity, but unfortunately not!...

Thursday, 17 August 2023 · 4 min · Austen Constable

3 Peaks - Day 6 - Drive to the Lake District

Our usual 8am start. We packed and serviced the camper, much quicker now we know how to do everything! Whilst I’m servicing the camper, the kids nip to the shop and buy 3 peaks patches for their backpacks. On wards to England! We had a few unscheduled stops along the way, first because toilet door catch has stuck, and the door keeps flapping about when we go around corners, very distracting....

Wednesday, 16 August 2023 · 3 min · Austen Constable

3 Peaks - Day 5 - Ben Nevis

8am start again with fried egg and bacon rolls with the last of the homemade sourdough. Alex has coined them Baconaters. We made sandwiches and the customary soup and tea to take with us. It was raining first thing, but the forecast is good, so we carried on. The route started at the footbridge over the river progressing to the stone path upwards. There are quite a few others on the path, and it’s slippy due to the drizzle....

Tuesday, 15 August 2023 · 3 min · Austen Constable

3 Peaks - Day 4 - Drive to Glen Nevis

8am wake up and a simple breakfast of cereals. Einy has not been well waking me up in the middle of the night with a present on the floor. Probably eating the dead sheep yesterday! We packed and serviced the van for the first time, taking a while to figure out where the key for the grey water tap was. Turns out, the glove box. We set off for Scotland, a pretty long but uneventful drive....

Monday, 14 August 2023 · 1 min · Austen Constable

3 Peaks - Day 3 - Rest Day in Pooley Bridge

Since it’s our rest day we have a lie in before setting out on a warm up hike. We walked the 5 minutes into Pooley Bridge and took a short steamer ride to Howtown. It’s a nice day, but it’s quite breezy on the lake, and we have to wrap Einstein in a spare waterproof because he’s shivering! We walk back to Pooley Bridge reminiscing over the last time we were here when Bella was a baby, and we hiked with her in a backpack....

Sunday, 13 August 2023 · 1 min · Austen Constable

3 Peaks - Day 2 - Brascote to the Lake District

We have an early breakfast with Grandma Anne and leave for the Lake District around 9am. An uneventful drive to the Lakes, and we arrive at Waterfoot Park for 2 nights and our rest day! We set camp, figuring out how to deploy the awning and how the various hook ups work and then take a walk into Pooley Bridge for a drink before dinner, followed by dinner at a pub in the village....

Saturday, 12 August 2023 · 1 min · Austen Constable

3 Peaks - Day 1 - Home to Brascote

Day 1 - we pick up the motor home and head for Brascote. Arriving late for super and a catch up with Grandma Anne and Tom. Distance Driven: 120 miles

Friday, 11 August 2023 · 1 min · Austen Constable

3 Peaks Family Adventure

Since I was a child and in the Scouts I’ve wanted to complete the 3 Peaks Challenge. Whilst completing all 3 in 24 hours is too much for a family holiday, spreading it over a week is more than doable. We love to hike and were looking for a summer holiday what would include Einstein, the family Dachshund. The 3 Peaks sounded perfect! Our Itinerary Day 1 - Collect the motorhome and drive to Brascote Day 2 - Drive to the Lake District Day 3 - Rest day Day 4 - Drive to Scotland Day 5 - Hike Ben Nevis (1345m) Day 6 - Drive back to England Day 7 - Hike Scafell Pike (978m) Day 8 - Drive to Wales Day 9 - Hike Snowdon (1085m) Day 10 - Drive to London The trickiest aspect will be the tight schedule, and the weather - we will have to climb rain or shine, or skip a mountain under extreme conditions!...

Thursday, 10 August 2023 · 1 min · Austen Constable

Vietnam - Day 14 - Hanoi to Home

After a 3 hour layover we board our flight to London. Hanoi airport isn’t anything to shout about so we’re keen to get moving. It’s a night flight so we all do our best to sleep, that works to begin with even with Coca Cola fueled children. Once it’s time to get up in Vietnam though, we’re all awake and reading or watching the entertainment. Arrival at Heathrow is pretty smooth apart from a really slow family queue at passport control which had us all on edge....

Tuesday, 07 January 2020 · 1 min · Austen Constable

Vietnam - Day 13 - Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi

We took the opportunity to have a lie in and a late breakfast which was nice after all the early starts. We checked out at 11am, leaving our bags at reception and took a walk to the Notre Dame Catherdral of Saigon. The cathedral was build from bricks imported from France and looks completely out of place. It’s also closed for renovation so it’s a short visit. Next we walk past Ho Chi Minh’s statue and take some photos by the fountain on the way to the observation deck of a nearby skyscraper which has become something of a family tradition....

Monday, 06 January 2020 · 2 min · Austen Constable